Price at HHS: Is Trump Undermining Medicare and Medicaid?


GettyImages-461442712CAROL PARIS, M.D., via Mark Almberg, communications director, Physicians for a National Health Program, mark [at], @pnhp 
Dr. Paris of Nashville, Tenn., is president of Physicians for a National Health Program. This morning, in response to last night’s Senate vote to confirm Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., as secretary of health and human services, she said the following:

“The Senate’s confirmation of Tom Price as health secretary is a body blow to the health and welfare of all Americans. According to this week’s Monmouth University poll, Americans’ biggest concern today is with their mounting health care costs, more so than their job security, taxes or other household bills. With Price at the helm of HHS, this concern is only going to escalate.

Price’s vision for reforming U.S. health care would result in millions of Americans losing existing health insurance coverage, and millions more having to make do with bare-bones policies that offer little to no meaningful protection. He can also be expected to push high-deductible health plans, which already result in millions of people forgoing needed care, and to undermine Medicare, the Medicaid program and safety-net hospitals.

“If Price’s policies come to pass, the free-market ideologues who supported them will no longer be able to hide behind false promises like ‘universal access.’ The results will be laid bare for everyone to see, and elected officials will have to answer to the poor, working-class, elderly, and chronically ill Americans who will suffer needlessly as a result. Studies show that about 43,000 people will die each year if such policies are implemented.

“Congress urgently needs to reverse course and embrace the obvious solution: an improved Medicare for all.”

For more background, see:

Also see, from David Leonhardt in the New York Times: “Tom Price, Dr. Personal Enrichment.”