Protests at Debate


Gothamist reports: “Thousands Of Protesters Expected At Tonight’s Presidential Debate.”

MARGARET MELKONIAN, longislandpeace[at], @longislandpeace
EMILIE BECK, ebeck1[at]
NATASHA RAPPAZZO, nrappazzo1[at], @natasharapp
Melkonian is director of the Long Island Alliance. Beck and Rappazzo are students at Hofstra University. They are participating in protests and other events this afternoon and evening, stressing the importance of peace issues. See a schedule of events here.

MARIO MURILLO, marioradio[at], @marioradio99
Murillo is professor and chair of the radio, television and film department in the Lawrence Herbert School of Communication at Hofstra University. He will be speaking on a panel on the importance of the Latino vote and other issues. It will be livestreamed at 6 p.m. ET here. The livestream should continue with a community speakout, featuring issues the debates may give little attention to.

See from the media watch group FAIR, from earlier this year: “In Nine Democratic Debates, Not a Single Question About Poverty.” From 2012, in “The Moderators’ Agendas,” FAIR wrote: “The establishment media figures who moderated the 2012 major-party candidate debates confined the discussion to a remarkably narrow range of topics, a FAIR analysis of debate questions finds.”