Protests at DNC


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Currently in Philadelphia, Mokhiber is editor of Corporate Crime Reporter, a weekly print newsletter based in Washington, D.C. Mokhiber also produces a daily podcast — the Corporate Crime Reporter Morning Minute. On Monday afternoon he wrote the piece “Bernie Delegates Take on Bernie Sanders,” which foreshadowed the chanting and protests of the first night of the Democratic convention. On Twitter, he noted what some delegates were chanting during the speeches. This included — as speakers were claiming Hillary Clinton would be tough on Wall Street — “Release the transcripts!” and “Goldman Sachs! Goldman Sachs!” When Bernie Sanders talked about Hillary Clinton on crime, some shouted, “super predators!”

RAED JARRAR, rjarrar[at], @raedjarrar
Jarrar is acting director of public policy and advocacy at the American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker organization based in Philadelphia. The group has worked with other groups in a series of protests in Philadelphia, see: for events. See recent interview with Jarrar, who focuses on foreign policy.