RCV in Maine Senate Race and Media Debate Exclusion


BRUCE GAGNON, globalnet@mindspring.com
Gagnon is an activist based in Maine. He said today: “Lisa Savage, an Independent candidate for the U.S. Senate seat in Maine, is a 25-year retired public school teacher, climate change and peace activist in a Ranked Choice Voting election.

“She is the only non-millionaire in the race. Democrat Sara Gideon has raised $69.5 million and incumbent Republican Susan Collins more than $30 million.

“Savage has been in all four of the previous debates (many believe she won each of those debates) but WMTW in Portland has decided to deny her and another Independent the right to be in the final debate Wednesday night, though Savage attempted to attend, see video. The Hearst corporation (which owns WMTW) had their lawyer in North Carolina issue a statement saying the two Independent candidates were not ‘newsworthy.’

“Among Savage’s policy positions are Medicare for All, a demilitarized Green New Deal, serious cuts in Pentagon spending, free public higher education, and much more. … Even by the polling done by the major media, which seems to be seriously undercounting younger people, the most recent poll had Lisa Savage with a plurality of second round votes.”

See piece by the activist Kathy Kelly on the race: “Battleground States.”