Sanders’ Candidacy 


bernie sandersOn Tuesday, Sen Bernie Sanders (I-VT) officially launched his campaign for the 2016 Democratic Party nomination.

GREG GUMA, mavmedia at
Guma is author of numerous books including Progressive Eclipse: Burlington, Bernie and the Movement That Changed Vermont and The People’s Republic: Vermont and the Sanders Revolution. Guma has posted a series of his articles on Sanders recently online, including: “Lockheed in Vermont: Sanders’ Corporate Conundrum,” “Progressive Eclipse: Burlington & Bernie Sanders” and “Politics of the Possible: The Sanders Crusade.”

STEVE EARLY, lsupport at, @steveearle
Early is the author several books including Our Unions: Dispatches from a Movement in Distress. He just wrote the piece “Labor for Bernie.”

BRUCE DIXON, bruce.dixon at, @brucedixon
Dixon is managing editor of and recently wrote the piece “Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016,” Dixon will be in New York City from Friday to Sunday, where he will be speaking at the Left Forum.