Sanders Delegates Call on Brazile to Resign as DNC Head


The Democratic National Committee has distributed an email to members: “Please join Interim Chair, Donna Brazile on Monday, November 14th at 5 p.m. ET for an important post-election call with President Barack Obama.”

The Bernie Delegates Network reports today: “Hundreds of former Bernie Sanders delegates to the Democratic National Convention have voted overwhelmingly in a straw poll to ‘call for the immediate resignation of Donna Brazile as chair of the Democratic National Committee.’

“The vote, 337 to 13, was 96 percent in favor of urging Brazile to resign. It came in a straw poll by the independent Bernie Delegates Network, which is sponsored by the online activist group in partnership with Progressive Democrats of America.”

Norman Solomon writes today in The Hill: “For the good of the party: It’s time for Donna Brazile to go,” which states: “At the same time that Brazile was publicly claiming to be neutral in the fierce Clinton-Sanders primary battle, she was using her job as a CNN political analyst to give the Clinton campaign advance notice of questions that would be asked during a CNN debate between the two candidates.

“Yet Brazile seems tone deaf about her integrity breach — just as the Democratic Party establishment has been tone deaf about the corrosive effects of servicing Wall Street and wealthy contributors.”

The Washington Post reported on Nov. 7: “Donna Brazile is not apologizing for leaking CNN debate questions and topics to the Hillary Clinton campaign during the Democratic primary. Her only regret, it seems, is that she got caught.”

DONNA SMITH, donna [at]
Executive director of Progressive Democrats of America, Smith said today: “We believe the DNC chair must reflect the base of the Democratic Party and the mission for which this party long stood. Clearly, when the party leadership failed to conduct itself impartially during the primary season and then failed to defeat the Republican candidate who is the most dangerous demagogue ever elected to the presidency, it is time for Donna Brazile’s resignation.”

Smith added that “the DNC must either change or it will die. And that change starts with Ms. Brazile’s prompt resignation.”

See petition at RootsAction.