News Release

Trump Decries Violence; Will He Denounce Saudi Maiming Children in Yemen?


Trump and many other political figures are decrying violence since suspicious packages have been sent to several prominent Democrats and others.

AP is reporting Thursday morning: “A Saudi-led coalition airstrike at a fruit and vegetable market near Yemen’s flashpoint Red Sea port of Hodeida killed at least 21 civilians, including children, the U.N. humanitarian aid agency said Thursday.”

KATHY KELLY,  kathy at, @voiceinwild

Kelly is co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence. She has been repeatedly nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

She said today: “President Trump insists on selling weapons to Saudi Arabia. The Saudis have repeatedly used U.S. missiles to kill innocent Yemeni civilians. Prolonging the war in Yemen has exacerbated the humanitarian crisis in a country where 14 million people are now on the verge of famine. Is President Trump prepared to denounce the maiming and killing of innocent civilians in Yemen?”

Kelly has regularly written about the consequences of the U.S.-supported war in Yemen over the past two years. See her recent piece “U.S. Is Complicit in Child Slaughter in Yemen.”

Kelly and others will be holding protests from Nov. 6 to 8, across from the U.N, “calling for an end to U.S. support for and participation in the Saudi-led coalition’s war against Yemen and calling on all of the warring parties to stop the war and help address the dire near-famine conditions sparked by continued attacks.”

AP reported Tuesday that the U.N. humanitarian chief Mark Lowcock is warning of an enormous famine in Yemen. He told the Security Council that this famine would be “much bigger than anything any professional in this field has seen during their working lives.”