Trump’s Attack on Socialism


VICTOR WALLIS, zendive at
Wallis is author of Red-Green Revolution: The Politics and Technology of Ecosocialism (2018) and a book currently in press entitled Democracy Denied: Five Lectures on U.S. Politics.

He said today: “Trump embodies an agenda that ignores the well-being of the majority of the population. This was detailed in the response offered to his speech by Bernie Sanders. It is significant that Trump, while showing his indifference to popular needs, chose to denounce socialism. His pretext for doing so is the contention that socialism is ‘coercive.’ Yet he has no hesitation in imposing the coercion of the capitalist market on the tens of millions of people in this country whose income is inadequate and whose health needs are ignored. Moreover, while allying himself with Saudi Arabia, one of the most coercive regimes in the world, he feels entitled to strangle and then attack — and openly stage a coup against the Venezuelan government.”

See also commentary by economist Richard Wolff.