U.S. Bombs Killed “Pragmatic” Nasrallah


Commondreams reports that the Israeli military “used 2,000-pound bombs supplied by U.S. in attack that killed Nasrallah.”

As’ad AbuKhalil writes: “Just remember that when Israel killed Abbas Musawi in 1992, they asserted that they eliminated Hizbullah once and for all.”

Dyab Abou Jahjah writes about Sayed Hashem Safiyedeen, the man groomed for years to succeed Nasrallah. … Throughout his leadership, [Nasrallah has] been regarded as a moderate within the context of the broader resistance movement. While his influence and stature as a historic figure are undeniable, his approach has often been characterized by pragmatism. Safiyedeen has all the intellectual and management qualities of Nasrallah but will likely adopt a more aggressive stance, moving from Nasrallah’s diplomacy-focused leadership to a more militant posture.”

See pieces on Nasrallah by Ali Abunimah and Sam Husseini, who questioned the Israeli ambassador at the UN about Israel’s refusal to accept Hezbollah’s offer for a ceasefire if it would stop bombing Gaza.

Ralph Nader recalls: “In 1978, Israel’s most prominent military analyst, Ze’ve Schiff, summed up remarks by Chief of Staff Mordecai Gur as follows: ‘The Israeli Army has always struck civilian populations, purposefully and consciously. … The Army has never distinguished civilian from military targets — but purposefully attacked civilian targets.’”

BASHIR SAADE, bashir.saade@stir.ac.uk, @bashir_saade
Saade is author of Hizbullah and the Politics of Remembrance (Cambridge University Press). He was featured on an IPA news release from August: “Hezbollah Claims It Hit ‘Israel’s NSA’ Which Conducts Assassinations.”

MOHAMAD BAZZI, mohamad.bazzi@nyu.edu, @BazziNYU
Bazzi is director of the Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, and a journalism professor at New York University. He recently wrote the piece “The U.S. cannot allow Israel to turn Lebanon into a second Gaza” which states: “Just after daybreak on Monday, dozens of U.S.-made warplanes began raining bombs and missiles on Lebanon, killing more than 550 people and injuring 1,800 in the hours that followed. By day’s end, Israel had carried out one of the most intense aerial bombardments in modern history. The Israeli fighter jets were sent by the government of Benjamin Netanyahu, but they couldn’t have gotten off the ground without the full support and complicity of Joe Biden over the past 11 months.”