U.S. Saudi Lobby “in Overdrive” as U.S. Helps Starve Yemen


KELLEY BEAUCAR VLAHOS,  kv at kelleyvlahos.com, @KelleyBVlahos

Executive editor of The American Conservative magazine, Kelley Beaucar Vlahos recently wrote the piece “U.S. Saudi Lobby in Overdrive Ahead of Prince MbS ‘Roadshow’

She said today: “The media has been laying out the red carpet for Crown Prince bin Salman in Washington. What the establishment press won’t tell you is that no less than 25 American lobbying firms worked for the Saudi Arabian government in 2017 to the tune of $16 million, to burnish their image, manage the message, and get to massive military contracts for the weapons of war that are now being used to kill, maim and slowly starve millions of civilians in Yemen today. Just as important, the Saudis use Washington lobbyists to influence U.S. policies on issues as critical as our own foreign policy with allies like Qatar (whom the Saudis are currently blockading economically), bang the war drums against Iran, and help kill the 9/11 bill, which would allow survivors of the World Trade Center and Pentagon terror attacks go after states connected to the hijackers in court.”