Warren: “Which Side Are You On?”


NORMAN SOLOMON, solomonprogressive at gmail.com, @Roots_Action
Solomon is co-founder and national coordinator of RootsAction.org. He recently wrote the piece “A Profound and Historic Question for Elizabeth Warren: Which Side Are You On?” and appeared on “Democracy Now!” this morning.

Solomon wrote: “For much of the past year, in many hundreds of speeches and interviews, Warren has denounced the huge leverage of big money in politics. And she has challenged some key aspects of corporate power. But now we’re going to find out more about how deep such commitments go for her. …

“‘Here’s the thing,’ Warren said in a speech to a convention of the California Democratic Party nine months ago. ‘When a candidate tells you about all the things that aren’t possible, about how political calculations come first … they’re telling you something very important — they are telling you that they will not fight for you.’”

Solomon is executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy.