Will Schumer Try to Stop Trump SCOTUS Pick?


David Sirota wrote the piece “Dems Have A SCOTUS Opportunity Tomorrow — Will They Use It?” on Sunday, noting that “McConnell desperately wants unanimous consent to pass a measure keeping Trump’s Supreme Court nomination on track. Democrats could potentially stop it. Will they use their power?”

Sirota cites the work of David Segal and Zephyr Teachout.

DAVID SEGAL, davidadamsegal@gmail.com@davidsegalri
Segal is the executive director of Demand Progress. With Teachout, an associate law professor at Fordham University, he wrote the piece “To keep Barrett off the Supreme Court, Schumer must fight like a defense attorney with a client on death row” for the New York Daily News.

They write: “The person with the power to organize top Democrats to confront this confirmation is Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. … We all know that if the roles were reversed, McConnell would do all in his power to whip the Republican Conference into line and slow things down. …

“During the days after Ginsburg’s death, we scrambled to identify a dozen experts who told us the insiders were too pessimistic, and circulated a memo with 19 different ideas of what the Senate could do. We aren’t Pollyannish — we know that Republicans have the upper hand — but the prospect of extending the timetable beyond is a procedural possibility.”