The Wisconsin State Journal reports: “‘General Strike!’ Thousands Storm, Reoccupy Wisconsin Capitol in Response to Legislative Votes.”
Kraig is executive director of Citizen Action of Wisconsin. He has been at the Capitol in Madison and is closely following developments. He said today: “[Gov. Scott] Walker has been claiming that this is about the budget, but he’s trying to ram this union-busting legislation through by removing the budget portions of it.”
Kraig wrote the piece “Walker’s National Guard comments a thinly veiled threat against workers.”
Manski is executive director of the Liberty Tree Foundation and a spokesperson for the new umbrella group Wisconsin Wave. He is a lifelong Wisconsinite and a public interest attorney. Manski said today: “Some who are claiming that the vote means things are over — like the New York Times today — could not be more out of touch. The resistance to what Walker is doing is broadening.”
Peck is with Family Farm Defenders, which has announced that on Saturday: “Farmers from across the dairyland will bring tractors and solidarity to the [Wisconsin] capitol to fight for labor rights and a just state budget. Rural communities will be disproportionately hurt by the cuts to education and BadgerCare, as well as Gov. Walker’s decision to eliminate funding for other sustainable agriculture initiatives such as the Buy Local Buy Wisconsin program.”
Vaj is a co-founder and current co-executive director of the group Freedom Inc. She is a long-time advocate for women of color and a Hmong refugee. Vaj and her family have been active community members in Madison for more than 25 years. She said today: “In the past few weeks we have been fighting for more than just workers rights. For Wisconsin’s most vulnerable communities, i.e (communities of color, immigrants, children, and poor people), Walker’s agenda eliminates services and creates laws that will destroy our quality of life in Wisconsin. Overturning current racial profiling laws, mascot laws and creating an Arizona-like [immigration] law in Wisconsin, Walker is indeed waging war on all of us.”
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For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; or David Zupan, (541) 484-9167