Moore co-hosts a talkshow on KWHL in Anchorage. She said today: “Palin called into our show 45 minutes before going on stage with John McCain — and she said we were the only outlet she was calling. … Palin is against abortion rights even in the case of incest and rape — and Alaska has the highest rate of incest and rape. She is extremely right-wing on lots of issues, but she has taken on the oil industry here in Alaska in terms of taxing them. People need to understand that in Alaska people vote for people, not for parties.”
Walters is Moore’s producer. They can both talk about a number of issues and controversies regarding Palin. More information is available here.
Rosen’s books include The World Split Open: How the Modern Women’s Movement Changed America. She just wrote the piece “Sarah Palin and Feminists for Life” available here.
Gravel is a former two-term senator from Alaska and continues to follow Alaska politics. He ran for president this year and is author of A Political Odyssey Gravel said today: “McCain, after making experience so central, picks someone with an extremely thin resume. Palin has stood up to the oil companies in Alaska…”
More Information
Button is a writer and life-long Alaskan who has been involved in Alaska politics, running two campaigns and having worked on issues of environmental justice, native rights, and domestic violence/sexual assault for many years. She said today: “Palin became Alaska’s governor because she was willing to take on the GOP at a time when Alaskans were completely disgusted with the party’s corruption. But, that’s as far as it’s gone. She’s popular in Alaska, but it’s not about her policies. She’s perceived as young, hip, and a maverick, but the reality is quite different. She’s supported multi-national development schemes, like a trans-Alaska gas line and the highly controversial Pebble Mine.”
Author of the book Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy, Clarkson is editor of the forthcoming Dispatches from the Religious Left: The Future of Faith and Politics in America. He is founder of the interactive blog “Talk to Action” about the religious right.
He said today: “Palin will appeal to the farther reaches of the religious right as a candidate who is not only stridently anti-abortion in keeping with her running mate but distinguished herself in her 2006 run for governor by advocating the teaching of creationism in the public schools. She said that she would not insist that creationism be part of the curriculum but thought it was an ‘alternative’ that could be discussed. Apparently, Palin is unable to distinguish between science and religion, and is unacquainted with the basics of American law on the subject.”
For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; or David Zupan, (541) 484-9167
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