Employment Gap Grows Between Women and Men


HEIDI HARTMANN, dobuzinskis at iwpr.org
The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) conducts research and
disseminates its findings to address the needs of women and their families,
promote public dialogue, and strengthen communities and societies. Hartmann is the president of the group. She said: “Little noted among the employment figures released [last week] by the Bureau of Labor Statistics is a growing gap between women’s and men’s employment as the recovery proceeds. Men gained 136,000 payroll jobs in July, at the same time women lost 19,000.

“While the jobs recovery is slow for both men and women, men are at least showing gains. In fact, men are regaining jobs at nearly three times the speed of women while women’s employment has been virtually flat for more than 12 months. The jobs gap between women and men is now 1.5 million jobs.”

See the IWPR employment gap fact sheet [PDF]