Kermit Gosnell Trial: Separating Truth From Lies


Jacobson is editor-in-chief of RH Reality Check, a daily publication providing news, commentary and analysis on sexual and reproductive health issues.

Jacobson said today: “Kermit Gosnell ran what women’s health and rights advocates have long described as a chamber of horrors. As the Grand Jury report noted, his ‘clinic’ was a filthy facility, his ‘medical practice’ showed astounding disregard of both the law and prevailing standards of medical care, and he quite literally preyed on poor women who had no other recourse. His activities were illegal, immoral, unethical, and homicidal.

“Gosnell is a rogue actor who does not represent the abortion provider community. Nonetheless, many anti-choice groups are using his case to further restrict access to legal, safe abortion care. An increasing number of unnecessary restrictions on providers of abortion care are being passed by legislatures across the country with the express purpose of closing legitimate clinics in states such as Mississippi, North Dakota, Virginia and Alabama. The outcome of these restrictions will be to create just the conditions in which more back-alley providers like Gosnell will thrive.

“It is critical that media reporting on this story understand the differences between legitimate abortion providers and Kermit Gosnell.”

RH Reality Check also recently published the piece, “Separating Truth From Lies Around Kermit Gosnell Case.”