Report: Over 1,000 Attacks on Health Care for Palestinians


The Electronic Intifada reports: “Aid to Gaza suspended after Israel murders World Central Kitchen workers.” See recent round up of this and other news at the group’s YouTube channel.

The group Insecurity Insight recently released a report titled: “A Disturbing Trend: Over 1,000 Attacks on Health Care in the oPt [Occupied Palestinian Territories] since 07 October 2023,” which marked “the grim milestone of over 1,000 recorded attacks on health care in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) … This equates to approximately five attacks per day with the vast majority of incidents perpetrated by Israeli Defence Forces (IDF).”

Specifically, the group documents:

1,014 attacks on health care
328 incidents where health facilities were damaged
458 health workers killed
311 health workers arrested

The group reports: “In the Gaza Strip where 785 incidents were reported, most involved airstrikes damaging or destroying hospitals and clinics and killing health workers. The IDF’s unrelenting aerial attack on the strip has had a catastrophic and far-reaching impact on the population and the health care system. Only 12 out of 36 hospitals are still functioning at a limited capacity whilst ambulance teams continuously face obstructions in reaching injured and dead civilians trapped under the rubble due indiscriminate bombings which have devastated civilian infrastructure. This direct and indirect use of explosive weapon use in populated areas has also caused massive destruction in almost all of the strip’s refugee camps and destroyed bakeries, agricultural land and greenhouses which, along with an ongoing Israeli blockade of food, water, fuel, and essential medicines and supplies, has contributed towards an imminent risk of famine in Gaza.

“In the West Bank where 175 incidents were recorded, over a third occurred inside refugee camps where security operations have increased since 07 October. During these operations, Israeli forces surrounded hospitals nearby camps and obstructed ambulance crews from assisting injured civilians, leading to some patients bleeding to death. Patients have been detained from ambulances and health workers arrested and assaulted at military checkpoints or whilst attempting to reach patients.” See a recent incident brief from the group [PDF].

For interviews, contact Tim Bishop at

Also, see prior IPA news release from February: “Doctors Without Borders: Israel Is Attacking Our Convoys.”